Well finally i went to class today. My creative innovation of abdomen botheration was completly useless. The HOD didnt buy it, but it is not a prblm since i didnt sell it in the first place:-) Maybe the closing sessions of S4 classes has finally dawned upon him teh fact that "GOD i cannot save these imbecile lunatics ny way" The classes were boring as usual. Even the senescent GEN MECH spirit couldnt overcome the irksome experiences in my classroom. Aah I haven introduced GEN MECH have I? well GEN MECH OR GENERATION MECH(yipee i am a mechanical student) is what we call ourselves- the Mechanical students of our dear MBCET college. Check www.generationmech.com and you will get a feel of what we are. Well my gallient words about my own fellowship can be taken as a sign of haugtiness, so i better stop now. Will tell the Generation Mech details another time around.

Well Bye........

Well it is a perfect day to start writing in my blog. I have just cut my classes. Well as a matter of speaking- missed my classes due to eh!! a triaxial botheration in my lower (left,right,centre) abdomen- hope the HOD buys it. I am not in general averse to attending classes, but then the monotony I experience in my classrooms boils over at some point or other(YEP!! I am an engineering student:) and i will have to resort to these implausibe ideas. A few hours in front my dear computer and i will have prepared myself for the slide back to the hamdrum experiences back at the college. But maybe it is not that bad after all!!

Well the obvious question that i need to answer is simple. Why the hell have u started this blog?? Being very rhetoric, I want to experience the pleasures of writing and experience the joy of sharing my ideas with my fellow 'human beings'. In identifying the facets of human life and aprreciating the values of 'Truth, love and Justice'(I love TEAM ROCKETS!!!) Aaaaaaaaah havent u still got the answer???? I dont have a clue wat i am doing :-) But i still mark my difference. I hate people who dont know a thing about "wat they are supposed:-/ to do" and glorify the fact that they are ignorant. I hope to score atleast some points in HUMAN EXISTANCE before my "life was gd till now...but u better hurry" life comes to an end.

Well I better stop. Hope to come back with some real news.
