'PARLEY'......i swear i will write blogs regularly

like the last time around:-\, and look how that turns out to be. nearly a year since my last post. But thats the problem with me...i am an extremely lazy and slothful person especially when it comes to wonderful things like writing blogs (see how i am full of atonement Kiera Knightley rocks!!). But the truth is writing a blog is really hard and doing that incessantly is even harder. I suddenly feel great respect 4 everyone trying in that respect....nd my whole new spirit nd the vow which i am never going to break (seriously !! considering never is ny other day:) owes its origin to one superb blog. not going to name that blog...sry guys it is the discretion of the artist( i couldn call her ny ting but that.......superb grl:)) i read the blog last day nd realized what a blog could do and that is to make our mind go nuts, to inject new patterns inside the thinking process which is already complex enough. BUT even better to churn out emotions as a grim aftermath to this unexplainable process. Infact it was the simple directnesss of her writing (something i cannot be credited with) that seriously made me fall in love wit that blog.......to that inspiring artist i say CHEERS!!!
